Posts under ‘Education’
कच्छ अलग राज्य भनायला आह्वान
मिणींके कच्छी भासा मेज बोलेजी अरज आय.
जय कच्छ !
पंज महत्वजा कार्य पांजे कच्छ ला
पांजी मातृभूमी कच्छ, मातृभासा कच्छी ने पांजी संस्कृति ही पांला करे अमुल्य अईं. अज कच्छ में ऊद्योगिक ने खेतीवाडी में विकास थई रयो आय. बारनूं अलग अलग भासा बोलधल माडु प कच्छमे अची ने रेला लगा अईं. हॅडे वखत मे पां पांजी भासा ने संस्कृति के संभार्यूं ही वधारे जरूरी थई व्यो आय. अमुक महत्व जा कार्य जे अज सुधी पूरा थई व्या हुणा खप्या वा ने जे अना बाकी अईं हेनमेजा जे मिणीयां वधारे महत्वजा अईं से नीचे लखांतो.
अज जे आधुनिक काल में जमाने भेरो हले जी जरूर आय. अज मडे टी.वी. ने ईंटरनेट सुधी पोजी व्यो आय. हॅडे मे पांजा कच्छी माडु कच्छी भासा मे संस्कृति दर्सन, भजन, मनोरंजन, हेल्थ जी जानकारी ने ब्यो घणें मडे नेरेला मगेंता ही सॉ टका सची गाल आय. हेनजे अभाव में पांजा छोकरा ने युवक पिंढजी ऑडखाण के पूरी रीते समजी सकें नता. खास करेने जे कच्छ जे बार रेंता हु कच्छी भासा ने संस्कृति थी अजाण थींधा वनेंता.
अज कच्छ जे स्कूल में बो भासाएँ में सखायमें अचॅतो गुजराती ने ईंग्लीस. कच्छी भासा जे पांजी मातृभाषा आय ने घणे विकसित आय ही हकडी प स्कूल नाय जेडा १ थी १० धोरण सुधी सखायमें अचींधी हुए. कच्छी भासा जे उपयोग के वधारे में अचॅ त ही कच्छीयें ला करे सारी गाल आय ने स्कूल में सखायमें अचे त हनथी सारो कोरो. भोज, गांधीघाम जॅडे सहेरें में जेडा बई कम्युनीटी ( गुजराती,सींधी,हींदीभाषी,….) जा माडु प रेंता होडा ओप्सनल कोर्स तरीके रखेमें अची सगॅतो. १ थी १० क्लास सुधीजो अभ्यासक्रम पांजा कवि, साहित्यकार ने शिक्षक मलीने लखें त हेनके स्कूल में सखायला कच्छी प्रजा मजबूत मांग करे सगॅती. जॅडीते गुजरात, महाराष्ट्र,…. मे मातृभासा जो अभ्यासक्रम त हुऍतोज.
साइंस एक्सप्रेस ट्रेन भोजमे Science Express train in Bhojh , Kachchh from (25 to 27 Aug 2017)

Learn Kutchi Online!
Recently came across a good Kutchi Web site with lot of Information about Kutchi Language and Grammer with Translation from Kutchi To English and English to Kutchi. The web site url is
It should be be helpful to Overseas Kutchis who wish to Learn Kutchi or improve their Kachchhi vocabulary .
Kutchi Language gets script
Kutchi has been around for ages, passed down the generations by the spoken word. It’s current in one-third of the state, given the size of Kutch, but had to rely on Gujarati for written communication. Till an ingenious Kutchi, Dr Rajul Shah, perfected land’s very first written script.
Shah’s script has received approval from the copyrights office in New Delhi. The next step is underway, which is to get the nod from the Central government which takes about eight months to come.
Her work has also won the favour of influential Kutchi communities such as the Shri Kutchi Dasha Oswal Jan Gnati Mahajan, Mumbai, Shree Mahavir Jain Charitra Kalyan, Ratnashram and Shree Kutchi Jan Sewa Samaj, Ahmedabad.
Dr Shah, an ayurvedic doctor, psychologist and a graphologist, studied Kutch extensively and in great detail to devise a new writing system. Now, she is ready with it. Says Shah, “I was always bothered by the fact that my land never had a script. I wanted it to have one.
Read more at§id=3&contentid=200907112009071103202225014550c50
Colleges in Kutch
Education is the basic requirement for the development of any region. The Govt. of Gujarat has taken a commendable decision to provide a separate University for the region of Kutch to fulfill the demand of the people of Kutch. The Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kutch University Act was published in the Govt. Gazette in March 2003. The eminent leader Shyamji Krishna Verma of Mandvi, Kachchh motivated the independence movement from outside India, whose name is being given to this University and now the University is known as “The Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University”.
Below are some of the colleges in Kutch :
1. Sheth S.V. Arts and Commerce College, Nagalpar Road, Mandvi-Kutch-360462.
2. Shri R.R. Lalan College, College Road, Bhuj-Kutch-370 001
3. Tolani College of Arts and science, Nr. Railway Station, Adipur-Kutch-370 205.
4. Sheth Dosabhai Lalchand Law College, Bhuj-Kutch-370 001.
5. Shri J.B. Thachker Commerce College, College Road, Bhuj-Kutch-370 001
6. S.D. Shetia College of Education, Anjar Road, Mundra-Kutch-370 421.
7. Tolani Commerce College, Post Box No. 27, Adipur-Kutch-370 205
8. Tolani Institue of Pharmacy, Nr.Hotel Midtown, Ward No. 2-B,NSS/NCC The 9 first Vice Chancellor, Adipur-Kutch-370 205.
Welcome !
Kein Aayo ! Welcome all Kutchis (Kachchhis, Kachhis) to Kutchi Maadu , where you are free to discuss, Blog your thoughts and share information on any topic you choose.
Jai Kachchh !
Jai Ashapura Mataji !
KutchiMaadu Team