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Kutchi Matrimonial Web

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  1. jignesh says:

    madhurmilan.com is worst site , no updates nothing, almost all profiles who r divorced and now married have not been deleted, all same profiles, no on trust this site now,,, i inquired about a girl who was divorced but she was married a year ago than also those profile are there, no updates no following the candidates properly, just keep ads for earning thats all,

  2. Lohana Matrimony

    Provides good matrimony service for free.


  3. Ramesh joshi says:

    I am looking for a gujarati/kutchi bride for my son aged 30 unmarried
    He is bca graduate and a IT professional. We are litchi pushkerna brahmins
    Bride should be unmarried aged between 27 to 32. OK let me have your mail I’d or WhatApp number so that I can send my sons photo and profile.

  4. bigmatrimony says:


    it provides an excellent matrimonial services to the people for free .

  5. Saatkasme says:

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  6. chhaganlal Bhanji Chheda says:

    I want to merry single, widow or divorcee issue less Jain Gujarati, Marwad,Kuchhi,Lohana or Vaishnav women over 35 yrs. I am an young man Jain Kuchhi widow Science graduate man of 66 yrs ( looks 55 yrs ) having a good physique. I have one married doctor daughter. I am working +have small business in Mumbai. My income is 20000/- I am staying in single room.
    Mobile: 0840 192 29 28

  7. hiren.t.gangar says:


  8. Rahul Gala says:

    One of the best Kutchi Matrimonial website for Kutchi people ever I found is http://www.madhurmilan.in. It provides a totally free matrimonial service to all kutchi – Visa, Dasa, Vagad, Abdasa community. Registration is totally free and after registration you will get full matrimonial biodata of the candidates with their full contact numbers. I suggest all visitor to register in this website and you will see the full advance technology that this website is uses. Try and you will see the change….

  9. Mihir says:

    Kutchi Gujarati Matrimony – # 1 & most Popullar Gujarati Matrimonial Site. Trusted by millions of Gujarati Brides & Grooms.

  10. Sachin says:

    Free Kachchhi matrimonial site :


  11. My Humsafar says:

    My Humsafar Myhumsafar.com, the online matrimonial portal aims to serve as a one-stop platform for prospective brides and grooms to meet and communicate with each other. It offers a superior match making experience by expanding the opportunities available to meet potential life partners and build fulfilling relationships. http://www.myhumsafar.com

  12. Sachin says:

    Kutchi Gurjar Kshatriya Matrimonial


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